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Bang's disease

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bang's disease — baŋz n BRUCELLOSIS specif contagious abortion of cattle caused by a bacterium of the genus Brucella (B. abortus) called also Bang s Bang Bernhard Lauritz Frederik (1848 1932) Danish veterinarian. In 1897 Bang discovered that a bacterium (Brucella …   Medical dictionary

  • Bang's disease — Bang s′ disease [[t]bæŋz[/t]] n. vet an infectious disease of cattle caused by a bacterium, Brucella abortus, frequently resulting in spontaneous abortions • Etymology: 1930–35; after B.L.F. Bang (1848–1932), Danish biologist …   From formal English to slang

  • Bang's disease — [baŋz] n. [after B. L. F. Bang (1848 1932), Dan veterinarian] a type of infectious brucellosis affecting cattle, caused by a bacterium (Brucella abortus) and often resulting in abortion …   English World dictionary

  • Bang's disease — noun an infectious disease of domestic animals often resulting in spontaneous abortion; transmittable to human beings • Syn: ↑brucellosis, ↑contagious abortion • Hypernyms: ↑zoonosis, ↑zoonotic disease * * * noun also …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bang's disease — /bangz/, Vet. Pathol. an infectious disease of cattle caused by a bacterium, Brucella abortus, that infects the genital organs and frequently causes spontaneous abortions. [1930 35; named after B.L.F. Bang (1848 1932), Danish biologist] * * * …   Universalium

  • Bang's disease — noun Etymology: Bernhard L. F. Bang died 1932 Danish veterinarian Date: circa 1929 brucellosis; specifically contagious abortion of cattle caused by a brucella (Brucella abortus) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Bang's disease — /ˈbæŋz dəziz/ (say bangz duhzeez) noun Veterinary Science → brucellosis. {named after BLF Bang, 1848–1932, Danish biologist} …  

  • Bang bacillus disease test — (bahng) [Bernhard Laurits Frederik Bang, Danish physician, 1848–1932] see Brucella abortus, and under disease and test …   Medical dictionary

  • Bang — is commonly used as an onomatopoeia for a sound, mostly that of an explosion.Bang or bangs may refer to: *Fringe (hair), hair that is combed forward and cut short on the forehead, known as bangs in North America *!BANG!, a professional wrestling… …   Wikipedia

  • Bang'sdisease — Bang s disease (băngz) n. See brucellosis.   [After Bernhard Laurits FrederikBang (1848 1932), Danish veterinarian.] * * * …   Universalium

  • bang's — noun see bang s disease …   Useful english dictionary

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